8 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/25/2025 🕉 Holy Spirits of Gods Kingdom of Heaven on Earth 🕉 #newearth 🕉🕉🕉whitegoldeagle
1 month agoNew Earth Astrology: EARTH REBIRTH 🕉 Our Masculine is Coming Home to The Great Mother Energy! 🕉whitegoldeagle
19 days agoGalactic Transmission: Ascension Update 🕉 Earth is making her Ascension now! 🕉 Prepare First Contactwhitegoldeagle
19 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 2142025 Sacred Spirits of our Collectic Allegiance of Earth Angels of the 144whitegoldeagle
17 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/16/2025 🕉 Sacred Soul Star Ascending Masters of New Earth 🕉 #soulwhitegoldeagle
22 days agoNew Earth Astrology: RISE UP! 🕉 New Direction 🕉 Christ Consciousness Timeline 🕉 Great Days to Come!whitegoldeagle
12 days agoThe Golden Children and the Seventh Root Race of New Earth 🕉 Indigo Crystal Rainbow Beings 🕉 Unity!whitegoldeagle
1 month agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 1/28/2025 🕉 Celestial Star Nation of our Awakened Kingdom of New Earth 🕉whitegoldeagle
3 months agoThe Reason Why Starseeds Are On Earth 🕉 Galactic Federation 🕉 Ascension Cycles of New Earth Shift 🕉whitegoldeagle
27 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/6/2025 🕉 Gold Winged Nation of our New Heaven on Earth Angelics of the 144whitegoldeagle
27 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/6/2025 🕉 Gold Winged Nation of our New Heaven on Earth Angelics of the 144whitegoldeagle
14 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/19/2025 🕉 Celestial Earth Angelics of Gaia Galactica Rainbow Tribe #gaiawhitegoldeagle
14 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/19/2025 🕉 Celestial Earth Angelics of Gaia Galactica Rainbow Tribe #gaiawhitegoldeagle
1 year agoHow is "Flat Earth" still a thing? Is there evidence to support this seemingly outlandish theory?GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
27 days agoSOLAR PLASMA ACTIVATIONS 🕉 UNLOCKING HUMAN POTENTIAL IN 2025 🕉 Earth's Magnetic Field 🕉whitegoldeagle
20 days agospiritual laws of the 5th dimension - Ascension Light Team - Sovereign being of Light - New Earth 🕉whitegoldeagle
1 month agoNew Earth Astrology: GREAT REVEAL 🕉 New Territory, Back to Mother's Garden 🕉 Year of the Wood Snakewhitegoldeagle
6 months ago13th Day in a row of 5d New Earth Higher Resonance of Divine Feminine Goddess Energies Flowing In 🕉whitegoldeagle
2 years agoThanks Goddess Gaia Mother Earth for Your Loving Powerful Presence & Healthy Nourishment!Leo Mystic Magic
4 months agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 10/19/2024 🕉 Prime Meridians of Gaia’s Luminous Angels on Earth #gaia #earthwhitegoldeagle
11 months agoApril Nor'easter To Unload Feet Of Snow In New England - Blank Sun At Solar Max - Goddess ParticleRolling With You