1.1.25: GREAT AWAKENING will NOT fall on DEAF EARS, New Orleans, 2025-It’s HERE, CARTER, PRAY!
Ep. 3533a - To Make America Great Again, The Country Will Need Talented People
12.27.24: CHRISTMAS comms, Then coming years will be GREAT, PHARMA lies protected? Canada state? PRAY!
Excellent Worker - Great Art Create By Sand And Cement (part 1)
The Greatest Show on Earth (2023)
THE GREAT TAKING & HOW WE CAN STOP IT! -- David Webb & James Patrick
Make America Great Again | Ep. 903 The Daily Dose
Ep. 3525a - [CB][WEF] Agenda Failing, Trump Is Creating The Path To The Golden Age
Great Dane Extremely Jealous Of New Puppy