Metropolis (1927 Full Movie) | Silent Film/Sci-Fi/Thriller | Dir.: Fritz Lang; Cast: Brigitte Helm, Gustav Fröhlich, Alfred Abel. | A Sci-Fi Masterpiece by Fritz Lang Which Inspired and Influenced Visuals in Film From Then Forever Onward!
SIGHTINGS: U.S. Government Covers Up Military Encounter with UFO, Russian Fighter Pilot Barely Survives UFO Encounter, UFO Hot Spot on Florida, Big Foot Captured on Film, and More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Jason and the Argonauts (1963 Full Movie) | Adventure/Fantasy | Dir.: Don Chaffey; Cast: Douglas Wilmer, Todd Armstrong, Honor Blackman, Nigel Green, Gary Raymond.
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (1970 Full Movie) | Fantasy/Adventure | Dir.: Val Guest; Cast: Victoria Vetri, Robin Hawdon, Patrick Allen, Imogen Hassall.
Mysterious Island (1961 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Adventure | Dir.: Cy Endfield; Cast: Michael Craig, Joan Greenwood, Herbert Lom, Michael Callan, Gary Merrill, Dan Jackson.
War Of The Worlds (2005 Full Movie) | Yet Another Retelling of the H.G. Wells Sci-Fi Classic [This B Movie is Not the Same as the Steven Spielberg-Directed Film of the Same Name Also Retelling the Sci-Fi Classic and Released in 2005.]
SIGHTINGS: The Search for Debris of a Crashed UFO, Tesla's Death Ray, The Man Who Brought Us the Alien Autopsy Film, Can Dreams Reveal the Future?.. and More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]