3 years agoHealing Service and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Fr Leonard Mary at St Bernards 2 of 2DaTechGuyblog
3 years agoFr Leonard Mary completes his sermon at his mass at St Bernard's parish 3 of 5DaTechGuyblog
3 years agoFr Leonard Mary prays the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary on the bus into Boston 1 of 2DaTechGuyblog
3 years agoI speak to Gus Father Leonard Mary's assistant on the way to the airport at the end of the eventsDaTechGuyblog
3 years agoFr Leonard Mary Healing Service at Madonna of the Holy Rosary Fitchburg 10 26 21 pt 1DaTechGuyblog
3 years agoThe assembled crowd sings Hail Holy Queen at the Cenacle for priests onboard ship 10 30 21DaTechGuyblog
3 years agoFr Leonard Mary and Fr Andre Marie pray the Consecration at the Cenacle for Priests onboard 10 30DaTechGuyblog
3 years agoThe blessing of the crowd, exorcising of salt & water emptied into Boston Harbor with Fr LeonardDaTechGuyblog