You have to wake up! -- Nothing is what you think it is - Jordan Maxwell -- Find direct links to MANY more Jordan Maxwell videos below in the description
YOU WILL OWN NOTHING | The Great Taking: How Banks Could Legally Seize Your Assets - Eddie Hobbs and David Webb | Find the links to the referred to Tennessee case & other related Great Taking videos, as well as videos about globalist UCC law, BELOW
No Oaths of Office in the NOT Federal -- UCC CORPORATE -- NOT "Government" · Apr 9, 2024 Greg Reese · WAKE THE FV@K UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE IS NO PUBLIC OFFICE!!!!!
WAKE THE FU@4 UP PEOPLE!! YOU CANNOT WIN IN A GLOBALIST UCC COURT! Whistleblower McBride Sentenced to 5 Yrs., 8 Mos - BREAKING A vindictive judge in Canberra has thrown the book at a man who revealed war crimes by the Australian military in Afghanistan
THE ACT OF 1871 - The Year Everything Changed.. American History you were never taught. How the British BANKING CARTEL hijacked the America during the Civil War