Yuval Noah Harari | "Will Artificial Intelligence Replace GOD?" - Robin Ince + "Potentially Yes. Now When You Have This Kind of Super Text. Especially When the Text Can Talk Back to You. Now You Have a Text That Can Talk Back."
CBDCs | Banking Giants & New York Fed Start 12-Week Digital Dollar Pilot | Transaction Data Can Be Used In Terms of, "How Much Coffee I Drink, Where I Buy Coffee, What Kind of Hours I Work."
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Dr. Stella Discusses: The Tower of the Babel, Nephilim 2.0, Famines, Transhumanism, Larry King, Schwarzenegger, William Shatner, Mark of the Beast, Eternal Life & "What Kind of Gods Will We Be?" - Yuval Noah Harari
Business Conference | How to Turn Rejection Into Everyday Greatness w/ Dr. Stolz + "I Just Don't Think I Could Take That Kind of Rejection." - Marty McFly + Join Tebow At Clay Clark's Dec 5-6 Business Workshop
Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari | PROBLEM = "The Woke Mind Virus Is Communism Rebranded." - Elon Musk + SOLUTION = "To Prepare For This Kind of World Which Is Coming Sooner Than Most People Realize, We Need An Antivirus For The Brain.&quo
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Acronym AI It Traditionally Stood for Artificial Intelligence. But I Think It Should Stand for Alien Intelligence. It's An Alien Kind of Intelligence." + "This Is the End of Human History." - 9/17/2023
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Does Harari Have a Dove / Pigeon On the Cover Of His New Book Nexus? "In the Story of Noah & the Flood, He Sends a Pigeon to See If the Flood Is Over & This Is Kind of My Pigeon to See If the Flood Is Over."
Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari | Why Do Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari Keep Discussing Brave New World & Black Mirror? + "We Do Have A Real Drug SOMA Which Is Kind of Like the Drug In the Book." - Elon Musk
Yuval Noah Harari | "My Work Is to Build a Bridge Between These Kinds of Scientific Studies In a Way That Anybody Can Relate To. Humans Are Motivated By Stories, Not By Facts." + Why Do Obama & Gates Praise Harari?
Yuval Noah Harari | Harari (2016), "Our Species Is Going to Upgrade Itself Into a Completely Different Kind of Being. (The Revolution) It Will Also Transform Our Bodies & Our Minds & It Will Replace Homosapiens." (FULL LENGTH)
Yuval Noah Harari | Harari (2016), "Our Species Is Going to Upgrade Itself Into a Completely Different Kind of Being. (The Revolution) It Will Also Transform Our Bodies & Our Minds & It Will Replace Homosapiens." - 4th Industrial Revolut
Amanda Grace | Grace & Glory Discuss Russian Nuclear Submarine | Russian Nuclear Submarine Armed with 'Doomsday' Weapon + Yuval Noah Harari "Only a Catastrophe Can Shake Human Kind and Open the Path to a Real System of Global Governance
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "The Potential Impact On Human Kind from a CBDC Would Be Worse Than the Cumulative Impact of CANCER on Human Kind." - Rick Rule (7/19/2023) | Updates On FedNow, CBDCs & The New Gold-Backed BRICS Currency
World Economic Forum | WEF 2024 | "Bringing the Kind of Censors That People Have Become Accustomed To, But It Breaches the Final Frontier of Privacy, What People Are Thinking Feeling. Are You Tired? Are You Paying Attention?" - Nita Farahany