Kash Patel & Julie Green | Updates from Tulsa-Rusalem | Updates On: The Trump 2024 Campaign, Trump's Endless Political Persecution, Peter Navarro's Political Persecution for "Contempt of Congress." + What Is Saudi Vision 2030? &
The De-Dollarization & Global Recession Begins: The Great Reset & Rise of A New World Order - Jim Rickards + BRICS Formally Invites Six New Countries to Join BRICS Including: "Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Ara
BRICS | "Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia & the United Arab Emirates Joined BRICS Block January 1st 2024." - RT News | What Does This Mean for America? Commentary from TRUMP, Macgregor, Rickards, Grandich, Kiyosaki, Bannon, Etc.
Castration | Is America Being Financially Castrated with a Chainsaw? Saudi's End Petrodollar: What It Means for Gold Price (6/10/24) + "Russians Said Its Currency Is Going to Be Gold Backed." - Bannon $27,000 Per Ounce Gold?
GOLD | Gold Hits All-Time High!!! (12.1.23) "UAE Made Decision to Move Away from U.S. Dollar In Oil Trade. Saudi Arabia (& China) Selling Holdings of U.S. Treasuries." + Russia to Chair BRICS + Kiyosaki, Fitts, Trump, Bannon & Bet-David
Project mBridge | Bank of International Settlements Announces Project mBridge Reaches Minimum Viable Product Stage + Will Saudi Arabia Joining CBDC mBridge End US Dollar Dominance? - June 10th 2024
De-Dollarization | "World's Top Oil Exporter (Saudi Arabia) Just Signed A Deal w/ the World's Top Energy Importer (China). It Is Absolutely Clear BRIC Is Not Going to Use the U.S. Dollar for Crude Oil Transactions Within the BRICS Countries
BRICS | "BRICS is working on our own independent payment system, free from political pressure, abuse and external interference. This year, BRICS Was Joined by Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Egypt & Ethiopia." - Vladimir Putin (9/26/24)
GOLD | Gold Hits All-Time High!!! (12.1.23) "UAE Made Decision to Move Away from U.S. Dollar In Oil Trade. Saudi Arabia (& China) Selling Holdings of U.S. Treasuries." + Russia to Chair BRICS + Kiyosaki, Fitts, Trump, Bannon & Bet-David
Chinese Spy Balloon | CBDCs | Nothing to See Here Folks!!! It's Just Saudi Arabia Moving Off of the U.S. Dollar And a Massive Chinese Spy Balloon Floating Over America!!!
Dollar Collapse | Did the Petrodollar Just Collapse As the Digital Chinese Digital Yuan Was Used for the FIRST TIME EVER to Settle a Crude Oil Transaction with Saudi Arabia? De-Dollarization Is HERE!!!
BRICS | What Is BRICS? What Countries Are Involved In BRICS? What Happens If the U.S. Dollar Loses Its Status At the World's Reserve Currency? Why Did Saudi Arabia End the Petrodollar? What Is the BIS mBridge?
Inflation | How Inflation & CPI (Consumer Price Index) Is Calculated? How the Petrodollar Was Invented & How It Will End? + "World's Top Oil Exporter (Saudi Arabia) Just Signed A Deal w/ the World's Top Energy Importer (China)."
BRICS | BRICS Summit Adds Six Resource Rich Countries (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina & UAE) Who 44% of the Earth's Global Oil Production | "The World They Are Going Into Is a Non-Christian World." - Kiyosaki
Central Bank Digital Currencies | BRICS Invites Six Countries Including Saudi Arabia, Iran to Be New Members | "(Of the 195 Countries In the World) Study Shows 130 Countries Exploring Central Bank Digital Currencies." - Reuters (6/28/2023)
De-Dollarization NOW | "Look At the Amount of the Gold Out of Switzerland Again This Month, 1 - China, 2 - India, 3 - Saudi Arabia. This Countries Are Massively Accumulating Gold. Gold Will Be a Cornerstone to Whatever System Arises." - Andy Sch