1 year ago中國與俄國 藍慕沙預言|藍慕沙 Ramtha|China & Russia - Dragon & Bear - Ramtha's warning from 1991Ramtha 32|藍慕沙
2 years ago發現平行歷史中的自我2|藍慕沙 Ramtha|Teaser - New Teachings from the Vault at Self-Discovery of Parallel HistoriesRamtha 32|藍慕沙
1 year ago希望來自天外高處 - 拒止核戰之威懾力降臨!|藍慕沙 Ramtha|HOPE IN HIGH PLACES - comes a deterrent against nuclearRamtha 32|藍慕沙
1 year agoEdgar Cayce、亞特蘭蒂斯、藍師在印度|藍慕沙 Ramtha|Edgar Cayce, Atlantis, and the Ram in IndiaRamtha 32|藍慕沙