1 year ago引导静坐禅修 | 2022 01 23 追念禅师 慧严法师静坐引导 | Plum Village 梅村 | Thich Nhat Hanh 一行禅师 | 正念 Mindfulness正念修行 Mindfulness Practice at HealthTalk180
1 year agoAlan Watt - "The Controllers" - Ep. 15 "Carl Jung" - Feb. 6, 2024Cutting Through the Matrix
1 year agoAlan Watt - "The Controllers" - Ep. 15 "Carl Jung" - Feb. 6, 2024Cutting Through the Matrix
1 year ago慈悲聆聽面對暴力 | 2003 08 27 梅村禅修营开示 | 梅村 Plum Village | 一行禅师 Thich Nhat Hanh正念修行 Mindfulness Practice at HealthTalk180