2 years agoPersevering Under God’s Timely Protection Prayer (Prayer for Perseverance)The Daily Crusade
7 months agoLibra(30-Aug):A wish will be granted, but watch out for a🐍.🤔😲Release worries; perseverance is key!💯🤸WillBrowne
2 years agoNov 1, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... Seek Me!... Perseverance and Faithfulness is, what I require of My BridesNews from Jesus
2 years agoMORNING ROLL CALL | Perseverance and Reliance on a Higher Power! Happy Columbus Day! | Episode 083On The Blue Line Podcast with Wayne Mulder
4 months ago"La Foi de la Femme Cananéenne : Une Persévérance Récompensée" Matthieu 15:28.#short #youtube #ytsecret of faith in jesus christ.
8 months agoMastering Mind Control: Overcoming Life's Setbacks with Discipline and Perseverancedanielalonzo
6 months agoTodd Nettleton: Christians Persevering Under Persecution | Worldview MattersFreedomProjectVerified
7 months agoGemini (Aug): It takes vision&courage to create~faith and courage to prove.🤔🙄 Perseverance is key!💯👏WillBrowne