CLUB OF ROME | What Is the Club of Rome Report? Why Did Klaus Schwab Say? "World Economic Forum At That Time Launched the CLUB OF ROME Report (10 Economic Kingdoms)" | Revelation 17:12 "Thou Sawest 10 Kings"
Drones | "DJI Will No Longer Stop Drones Flying Over Airports Or White House" - Yahoo (1/17/25) + "China’s Top Drone Maker Removes Security Features at a Very Weird Time" - (1/15/25) + Revelation 9:3
Victor Davis Hansen On Tucker Carlson | "Every Time People Say THEY WOULDN'T DARE DO THIS, Every Time People Say That, They Do. I Don't Know If There Is Strategy to Keep Donald Trump Out of a Gag Order, Or Out of Jail."
Yuval Noah Harari | "It's Easy to Follow Everyone All of the Time. We Have the Smartphones, the Cameras, the Drones, the Microphones Everywhere. It Is Becoming Technically Possible to Follow Everyone All the Time." - 12/8/2024
Elon Musk | "We Effectively Merge With AI. You Will Be Snap-Shotted Into a Computer At Any Time. If Your Biological Self Dies You Could Upload Into a New Unit, Literally. I've Been Thinking About This for a Long Time." - 9/7/2018
Doug Burgum | Is Doug Burgum An Actual Donald J. Trump VP Finalist? Who is Doug Burgum? Why Is Bill Gates A Life-Long Friend of Doug Burgum? Why Did Bill Gates Choose to Spend His Time with Jeffrey Epstein? Who is Bill Gates?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | "People May Decide Whether They Want to Retain Their Biological Self Or Not. If Your Biological Self Dies You Could Upload Into a New Unit, Literally. I've Been Thinking About This for a Long Time." - 9/7/2018
Rashid Buttar | Doctor Rashid Buttar Was Right! + Dr. Buttar's Final Message | Rest In Peace Doctor Rashid Buttar (1966-2023) | CNN's Drew Griffin, 'I’m vaccinated. You think there is a ticking time bomb in me and I’m going to die?"
General Flynn | Somebody Recorded This Video At My Office, the First Time I Met the Great General Flynn (2021) Who Has Taught Me: Mission Over Ego, Local Action Makes a National Impact, the Definition of a True Believer & More