Doctor Mikovits | Why Did Musk Post the Following? "We Are On the Event Horizon of the Singularity?" + Why Did Musk Say, "Something That I Think Is Going to Be Quite Important Is a Neural Lace (A Brain-Computer Interface).”
ROSEANNE BARR | Interview with Roseanne About Satanic Hollywood & the Great Reset | "It's Better to Say Who Isn't In It (The Satan Club), Because They Are All In It (The Satan Club)." - Roseanne Joins ReAwaken Tour Las Vegas
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Why Did Say, "Using Tools That Sam (Altman) Is Providing, Early Cancer Diagnosis Using AI. You Can Design a Vaccine for Every Individual Person. Make That mRNA Vaccine Robotically Using AI" - 1/21/2025
Digital God | Why Is Elon Musk Talking About Creating "Digital God?" "Memphis, Perhaps This Is Where Our New God Comes From?" + Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Saying, "We Are In the Process of Turning Ourselves Into Gods?"
AI Government | "I've Said Publicly & I'm Only Half Joking That We Need AI Government." - Joe Rogan + "The Founding Vision Was We Were Going to Use Technology to Overturn the Monetary System of the World." - Peter Thiel
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Issue of Whether the Climate Crisis Is Real That's a Purely Scientific Issue. It's Not a Matter for Politicians or Even for Voters to Say If It's Real or Not."
Mark of the Beast | Are Some Already Taking the Mark of the Beast? What Does THE BIBLE Have to Say About The Mark of the Beast? Revelation 13:16-18, Daniel 2:40-44 & Revelation 17:2? What Is Amazon Palm & Walletmor?
Dollar Collapse | Why Did President Trump Say? "Our Currency Is Crashing & Will Soon No Longer Be World's Standard. Which Will Be Our Greatest Defeat Frankly In 200 Years." - President Trump (4/5/23) + BRICS to Introduce New Currency?