1. John 3.16–21, 35–36: a Remonstrant’s Revised Rendering (or, an Alternate Arminian Translation) | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

    John 3.16–21, 35–36: a Remonstrant’s Revised Rendering (or, an Alternate Arminian Translation) | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

  2. The US Military Is a Massive Mind-control Operation Run by Sexual Degenerates | Ponerology | Kay Griggs (1998) (Mirrors)

    The US Military Is a Massive Mind-control Operation Run by Sexual Degenerates | Ponerology | Kay Griggs (1998) (Mirrors)

  3. A Low-level, ‘Gang-stalker’ Psychopath Prattles on about Life and ‘The Programme’ | Targeting Programme | neoremonstrance

    A Low-level, ‘Gang-stalker’ Psychopath Prattles on about Life and ‘The Programme’ | Targeting Programme | neoremonstrance

  4. The Principal Point of Contention between Arminian and Calvinistic Soteriologies | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

    The Principal Point of Contention between Arminian and Calvinistic Soteriologies | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

  5. A Remonstrant’s Renunciation of the Adversary; and, an Arminian’s Affirmation of the Anointed One | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

    A Remonstrant’s Renunciation of the Adversary; and, an Arminian’s Affirmation of the Anointed One | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

  6. The Lord Jesus Christ Is above Every Authority, Detestation of Tyrants Notwithstanding | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

    The Lord Jesus Christ Is above Every Authority, Detestation of Tyrants Notwithstanding | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

  7. Phoney God-lovers and (What Should Be) the Obvious Incongruity between Loving God and Contemning Truth | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

    Phoney God-lovers and (What Should Be) the Obvious Incongruity between Loving God and Contemning Truth | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

  8. Hive Mind: Small-town, Communitarian Meddlers and Law Enforcement Swarm, Harass, and Attempt to Intimidate Peaceful Person in United States | Targeting Programme (Mirror)

    Hive Mind: Small-town, Communitarian Meddlers and Law Enforcement Swarm, Harass, and Attempt to Intimidate Peaceful Person in United States | Targeting Programme (Mirror)

  9. The FBI Kill List: Proxy Detention and Solitary Confinement in a Third-world Country | Targeting Programme | Dr X_ (Mirror)

    The FBI Kill List: Proxy Detention and Solitary Confinement in a Third-world Country | Targeting Programme | Dr X_ (Mirror)
