Robin Bullock | Robin Discusses: Yuval Noah Harari, the World Economic Forum, CERN, the Depopulation Agenda, the Dangers of RHINOS, CS Lewis, the Coming Return of the Lion of Judah and Why NOW Is Not the Time for Tribulation
The White Hats AND The Black Hats Are NOBODY without We The People—You Give Them Permission to All! + What Really is A.I. (3/10/23) | Lewis Herms Interviews Kerry Cassidy 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT
Trisha Lindsay & Aaron Lewis | “It Is Not Just Reserved For The States, It Is Reserved For The People. Because Guess What? The People Are The Government, We The People. “ - Trisha Lindsay
#280 Maricopa County Admits There Are NO Reports Recording How Many Voters Checked-In Nov 8th & AZGOP, MCRC, RNC & Lake’s Team Knew AZ Law 16-602 Was BROKEN! | LEWIS HERMS