Like Ratchet AFV with Conscious Commentary ("Oxymoronicism" Noted). These are Your Zen Masters. The Backfill People—Dare I Say: Respect Your Zen Masters.. Nobody Ever Said You Need to Be Around Them! | Luke Rudkowski + Dolores Cannon
David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger & Klaus Schwab | David Rockefeller Explains How He Recruited Henry Kissinger + Jan. 17th 2017 Trump Sworn In As President As China's President Xi Jinping Delivered New World Order Speech With Kissinger & Sch
"Infamous" Self-Proclaimed Enemy of the New World Order ALSO Claims NO Self-Victimhood and Promotes Law of Attraction Concepts Including Vision Boards!—You ARE Both if You are Sophisticated. | Luke Rudkowski, "We Are Change".