Entrepreneur Podcasts | How Public Relations Works + Teaching How Michael Levine's Tiffany Theory Works (An Interview w/ Legendary PR Guru) | Why Advertising Is What You Pay For & PR Is What Your Pray For + PRO-Tips for Being Poor
How to Write a Book | Interview With 5 New York Times Best-Selling Authors: Seth Godin, Daniel Pink, John Maxwell, Mark Manson & Robert Greene + TipTopK9.com, MoralesBrothers.net & PMHOKC.com Success Stories
Time Management | “The search engine (Clay Clark taught) definitely helped. It doesn’t matter how good you are if you aren’t getting enough leads." - Ryan Wimpey (Founder of TipTopK9) + Tim Tebow Joins Thrivetime Business Conf.
Self-Discipline | How to from Being a Victim to a Victor with the Legendary PR Consultant, Michael Levine + “Go for the Pain of Discipline Because It Weighs Ounces. The Pain of Regret Weighs Tons.” - Jim Rohn (Bestselling Author)