1. Samuel "Champ" Ferguson | American Civil War | Convicted War Criminal | Faces of Crime

    Samuel "Champ" Ferguson | American Civil War | Convicted War Criminal | Faces of Crime

  2. Isaie Beausoleil | FBI Most Wanted, 1952-1953 | Faces of Crime

    Isaie Beausoleil | FBI Most Wanted, 1952-1953 | Faces of Crime

  3. Franz Murer | WW II | Convicted War Criminal | Faces of crime

    Franz Murer | WW II | Convicted War Criminal | Faces of crime

  4. Henry Wirz | American Civil War | Convicted War Criminal | Faces of Crime

    Henry Wirz | American Civil War | Convicted War Criminal | Faces of Crime

  5. Rudolf Creutz | WW II |Convicted of war Crimes | Austrian member of the Nazi SS | Faces of Crime

    Rudolf Creutz | WW II |Convicted of war Crimes | Austrian member of the Nazi SS | Faces of Crime

  6. SHOPPING FOR MURDER | Fatal Attraction | Sn01E05 | TV One Series | Full Episode| Faces of crime |

    SHOPPING FOR MURDER | Fatal Attraction | Sn01E05 | TV One Series | Full Episode| Faces of crime |

  7. Faces of crime | True monsters | Jack the Ripper | the Whitechapel Murderer

    Faces of crime | True monsters | Jack the Ripper | the Whitechapel Murderer
