Yuval Noah Harari | "People Writing Emails. Many People Say, Oh I'm Too Busy, I'll Just Tell ChatGPT to Write a Polite Letter That Says No. On the Other Side You Have Another Human That Says to ChapGPT Tell Me, What Did They Say?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "Part of the Problem With All of These Conspiracy Theories We See Flooding the World. They Tell People Do Your Own Research." + "COVID, This Is What Causes People to Accept Total Biometric Surveillance."
Doctors are "Baffled" w EMT Whistleblower HARRY FISHER, Diddy's Done w CRAIG PASTA & DERRICK BROZE, Pager Terror w RENZO ZINDEE, Newsom BANS Comedy in CA, UK wants to Nuke Russia, Censorship w DON DeBAR | THL Ep 61 FULL