Fake Science | Has Fake Science Been Used to Implement REAL TYRANNY? Birx, Gates, Gore, Harari, Fauci & Kerry In Their Own Words "The Chief Value of Science Is Power. Science Is Not Really About Truth. It's About Power." - Y. Harari
The RESTRICT ACT (S.686) | The RESTRICT ACT (S.686) Explained: "This Bill Isn't Really About Banning TikTok. This Bill Could Give Enormous And Terrifying NEW Powers to the Federal Government to Punish America Citizens." - Tucker Carlson
HOLY CRAP!!! The RESTRICT ACT (S.686) | The RESTRICT ACT (S.686) Explained: "This Bill Isn't Really About Banning TikTok. This Bill Could Give Enormous & Terrifying NEW Powers to the Federal Government to Punish America Citizens." - Tuc
Yuval Noah Harari | “We Are Really Almost Like Gods. Imagine the Politician You Most Fear In the World. Now Ask, What Might That Politician Do With the Technology That I Am Developing? A Future Hitler Might Re-Engineer Our Bodies