MARK OF THE BEAST | CBDC | "Wednesday (11/23/2022), the FED Started Their Central Bank Digital Currency. Yes the FED Coin Is Here! I Think Maybe We Should Start Having the Conservation of, This Looks Like the MARK OF THE BEAST." - Glenn Beck
Central Bank Digital Currency | Will CBDCs Lead to Global Enslavement? | "The Potential Impact On Human Kind from a CBDC Would Be Worse Than the Cumulative Impact of CANCER on Human Kind." - Rick Rule + What Killed Jo Lindner?
CBDCs | "Paper Money Is Increasingly Becoming Worthless. The Life Span of Paper Money Is Coming to An End. So They Are Bringing In These Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies. This Money Is Programmable." - Maajid Nawaz (Journalist)
CBDC | Why Did the President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Neel Kashkari Say? "I Can See Why China Was Doing It If They Wanted to Monitor Everyone of Your Transactions." What Are Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies?
CBDC | Central Bank Digital Currency Feature UPDATES: "The CBDC Money Will Put Expiration Date On the Digital Money" - WSJ, "CBDCs Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin" - Professor Richard Werner, "(CBDCs) If That Happens, We'r
CBDC | "What Is a Central Bank Digital Currency?" - Epoch Times | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are the Single Biggest Threat to Human Liberty...That Is What Ties Into Social Credit Systems, Vaccine Passports, Digital IDs & That Is I
Whitney Webb and Jimmy Dore warn that central bank digital currencies will be used to monitor all financial transactions and control how people can spend their money
CBDC | Why Is Russian State Media Reporting "New Money, New World?" + Joe Rogan, Ice Cube & General Flynn React to the World-Wide Introduction of Universal Basic Income, Central Bank Digital Currencies, & Social Credit Scores
CBDCs | "SWIFT (Society For World Wide Interbank Financial Telecommunications), Announced It's Intention to Launch New Central Bank Digital Currencies In 12-24 Months." - 3/27/24 | CBDC Launch Announced
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "A CBDC Is Nothing More Than a CCP-Style Surveillance Tool That Can Be Weaponized to Oppress the American Way of Life." - September (Thomas Earl Emmer Jr.)
CBDC | Is India Rolling Out Central Bank Digital Currencies? "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari + "CBDC, It Was Around This Large And Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Professor Richard Werner