Once Anointed Misty Edwards IHOP Worship Leader/Others abused by Mike Bickle fake jesus movement. He sex manipulated many slaughtered YAHS Sheep, another gospel not JESUS OF THE BIBLE! Pray for them
Kicks, Punches ok but Mind Controls-Meditations, Sorceries like Dim Mak-Martial Arts Traps. If you're bond by demons by open doors Repent, Call Out to YAHUSHUA HE is more than able to set you Free
YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 150, 102 Excerpts! Fallen angels send zombies/Genesis 6 giants fall from skies. Hearts Fail (Luke 21:26) YAHUSHUA Weeps "You have no idea what is being sent here." Call on HIM
YAH'S Own Amightywind Ministry 30 Year Celebration (online since 1994) along with Apostle Elisheva's Birthday! YAH'S Children celebrate it with us 30 days!
Prophecy 47 To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed! Mad science Clones covered indepth! YAH gives instruction how to fight Zombie Invasion in Great Tribulation (carnal weaponry useless) & more mirrored