ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “anointed” - late 14c., "smeared with oil," past-participle adjective from anoint (v.) The noun meaning "a consecrated one" (as in Lord's Anointed) 🕎2 Samuel 5;1-12 KJV
THE BIBLICAL 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL, BLACKS & BLACK LATINOS (NORTHERN, SOUTHERN KINGDOM)🕎Psalms 147;19 “He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel”
HIGH CLASS ATLANTA BLACK LAWYER COURTNEY COX, WHO “DATED” A THUG PASSION/BAD BOY ENDED UP SHOT & KILLED…🕎Ecclesiasticus 26:23 “A wicked woman is given as a portion to a wicked man: but a godly woman is given to him that feareth the Lord.”