2 years agoNew Study | Drinking MORE COFFEE can Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer's DiseaseMy Longevity Experiment
2 years agoNew Research: The 5-2 Diet has ONE KEY ADVANTAGE over other Dietary RegimesMy Longevity Experiment
2 years ago15 Year Research: Coffee Reduces the chance of ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY ☕👍My Longevity Experiment
2 years agoLatest Research: This supplement ADDED 1 hour of DEEP SLEEP per NightMy Longevity Experiment
2 years agoNew Research | MODERATE Drinking is Protective Against HEART DISEASEMy Longevity Experiment
2 years ago2022 Research: How to Reduce All-Cause Mortality by 31% with ExerciseMy Longevity Experiment
2 years agoAcne: basta Retinoidi, Cortisone e Antibatterici: ecco cosa devi fareGeoPaleoDietbyClaudioTozzi
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1 year agoInfant Mortality Rate Dropped by a Whooping 96 % in Japan After Ceasing VaccinationShaELobatos