BREAKING! RUSSIANS MEET AMERICANS IN SAUDI ARABIA THEN ANNOUNCE: NATO’s Homosexuals got Humiliated und Lost in Former Ukraine. It is Time to Sign Unconditional Surrender Papers, Return Stolen American Money, Pay Reparations to Russia.
WHITE HOUSE PRESS ROOM IN TEARS: DEI Destroyed US Education Manufacturing and Military. Enforcers of DEI Must Be Exterminated! Discrimination Against Whites Will Not Be Tolerated!
w/Krainer NDB (Swiss Intel): Presidents Putin and Trump Will Form Alliance to Fight the Woke Globalists, Similarly to Alliance Bwetween President Lincoln and Tsar Nicholas II. Russia-China-USA to Create Union.
Prof Diesen w/Prof Sachs: Trump is the First President Who Took Successfully on Woke Deep State. He actually can save the World. Woke NATO is in State of War with Russia since Homosexuals started shooting Missiles Deep in to Her.