1. Error trying to create a webapi in Visual Studio Code

    Error trying to create a webapi in Visual Studio Code

  2. What is the proper way to handle a generic object in a WEBAPI method

    What is the proper way to handle a generic object in a WEBAPI method

  3. Can I inject a dependency into a model object created in a post method with Net Core WebApi

    Can I inject a dependency into a model object created in a post method with Net Core WebApi

  4. IFormFile is always empty in AspNet Core WebAPI

    IFormFile is always empty in AspNet Core WebAPI

  5. Containerized ASPNET Core 6 WebAPI returning error 513 Request Entity Too Large

    Containerized ASPNET Core 6 WebAPI returning error 513 Request Entity Too Large

  6. angular microfrontend host and remote project, both published in the same code bucket

    angular microfrontend host and remote project, both published in the same code bucket

  7. Rundeck: Run job as another user

    Rundeck: Run job as another user
