Elon Musk | "Many of the Things I Talk About And People In the West React With Apprehension & Fear In China the Reaction to Exactly the Same Topics Is Excitement! WOW We Can Do That!" + What is Musk's Neuralink Agenda?
This is the Holocaust applied to 8 billion people Dr. Bryan Ardis; it’s so far out of our reach to think men could be that evil, orchestrating mass amounts of death in order to achieve their agenda
Autopsy Studies Months Post-Vaccination Revealed That the Spike Protein Was Everywhere Dr. Peter McCullough: "Where is it in the body? When the autopsy studies broke of vaccinated people... The answer was: it's everywhere. The spike protein is
"Did you get lucky with the kill-jab?" Vaccines Kill. Vaccination muders rampant. Politicians cast into the Eternal Lake of Fire. God's Judgement Coming."
Dr. Robert Malone: COVID Is Just a Skirmish—We Have a Much Bigger Problem "[The WEF] has a clear agenda which is not aligned with the U.S. Constitution... They are actively trying to advance the cause of a one-world government