1. Rhema Dec 5, 2022 ❤️ Embracing the Call of the Lord... Words of Wisdom from Jesus Christ

    Rhema Dec 5, 2022 ❤️ Embracing the Call of the Lord... Words of Wisdom from Jesus Christ

  2. Transforming Kisses from God, Prophetic Word mp4

    Transforming Kisses from God, Prophetic Word mp4

  3. July 2, 2005 🎺 Once their Hearts are changed, Grace will be given, don't be sad

    July 2, 2005 🎺 Once their Hearts are changed, Grace will be given, don't be sad

  4. Action At RHEMA Word | #blessing #propheticAction At RHEMA Word | #blessing #prophetic

    Action At RHEMA Word | #blessing #propheticAction At RHEMA Word | #blessing #prophetic

  5. May 6, 2011 🎺 This Doctrine is a detestable Stain on the Garment of Truth

    May 6, 2011 🎺 This Doctrine is a detestable Stain on the Garment of Truth

  6. June 28, 2011 🎺 All shall come to pass very quickly… Increase beyond measure

    June 28, 2011 🎺 All shall come to pass very quickly… Increase beyond measure

  7. Nov 1, 2007 🎺 The Lord says... Israel is Mine!... Watchmen, sound the Trumpet

    Nov 1, 2007 🎺 The Lord says... Israel is Mine!... Watchmen, sound the Trumpet

  8. Dec 28, 2010 🎺 The Lord explains... A fragile Stalk of Wheat grows into a mighty Oak Tree

    Dec 28, 2010 🎺 The Lord explains... A fragile Stalk of Wheat grows into a mighty Oak Tree

  9. Aug 18, 2006 🎺 The Lord says... Desolations are coming... And great Want for My Children

    Aug 18, 2006 🎺 The Lord says... Desolations are coming... And great Want for My Children

  10. July 27, 2009 🎺 The Lord says... I search the Hearts and Minds and I know My Own

    July 27, 2009 🎺 The Lord says... I search the Hearts and Minds and I know My Own

  11. Rhema Nov 12, 2022 🎺 The Lord says... What Madness is this?! Answer, if you know

    Rhema Nov 12, 2022 🎺 The Lord says... What Madness is this?! Answer, if you know

  12. You will be just Fine -a specific word | #blessing #propheticdreams

    You will be just Fine -a specific word | #blessing #propheticdreams

  13. Rhema Oct 30, 2022... Jesus' Warning regarding Halloween 🎺 Do you want to cast your Lot with Satan?

    Rhema Oct 30, 2022... Jesus' Warning regarding Halloween 🎺 Do you want to cast your Lot with Satan?
