1. NASA Graduation: Major Jasmin Moghbeli. #Artemis #KnowYourMil - @GEORGEnews Today, Jan 12th, 2020

    NASA Graduation: Major Jasmin Moghbeli. #Artemis #KnowYourMil - @GEORGEnews Today, Jan 12th, 2020

  2. National Guard: 149th Fighter Wing Mission #KnowYourMil 07/16/2021

    National Guard: 149th Fighter Wing Mission #KnowYourMil 07/16/2021

  3. Flight Ops, Jan 17th 2020. T-45 Goshawk aboard USS Gerald R. Ford - @GEORGEnews #KnowYourMil

    Flight Ops, Jan 17th 2020. T-45 Goshawk aboard USS Gerald R. Ford - @GEORGEnews #KnowYourMil

  4. Advanced Hawkeye assigned to Air Test & Evaluation Squadron, Jan 16, 2020 - @GEORGEnews #KnowYourMil

    Advanced Hawkeye assigned to Air Test & Evaluation Squadron, Jan 16, 2020 - @GEORGEnews #KnowYourMil

  5. Field Artillery Regiment Brings the Boom During Operation Thunderstruck

    Field Artillery Regiment Brings the Boom During Operation Thunderstruck

  6. Army Joint Munitions Command Provides Ammunition to Train Fight and Win

    Army Joint Munitions Command Provides Ammunition to Train Fight and Win

  7. A Glimpse Into an Army Snipers Thoughts

    A Glimpse Into an Army Snipers Thoughts

  8. Could you be an Army astronaut?

    Could you be an Army astronaut?

  9. Iron Fist 2020 Teaser Video, CAMP PENDLETON, CA, UNITED STATES, @GEORGEnews Today

    Iron Fist 2020 Teaser Video, CAMP PENDLETON, CA, UNITED STATES, @GEORGEnews Today

  10. @GEORGEnews : Air Force Global Strike Command Year in Review 2019

    @GEORGEnews : Air Force Global Strike Command Year in Review 2019

  11. US Verteidigungsministerium: Macht. Schutz. Fortschritt.

    US Verteidigungsministerium: Macht. Schutz. Fortschritt.

  12. US Army Paratroopers and Japan Ground SelfDefense Force First Jump 2020

    US Army Paratroopers and Japan Ground SelfDefense Force First Jump 2020