No One is Judging You. Give Yourself Grace as You're Participating in This 3D Matrix Which You're Slowly Training Yourself Out of. Train Yourself, But with Patience and Grace for Self. No One is Judging You ❤️ | Phil Good
Dark City [Trailer] (1998) | Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City". How The Demiurge Hijacks You, Perpetuating an Inorganic Matrix! (Full Movie Linked in the Description Below)
Sway – Jennifer Connelly (Musical Selection) | WE in 5D: Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City" (1998). How The Demiurge Hijacks You, Perpetuating an Inorganic Matrix! (Full Movie Linked in the Description Below)
Dark City 2: World Economic Forum (2024 Trailer) [A Parody Which Reflects Reality] | WE in 5D: Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City" (1998). (Full Movie Linked in the Description Below)
ALEX JONES IN 3.5 MIN: The Illuminati, Source Energy, Free Will, 5D, and A.I.!—He’s Not a Reductive Christian Poster Child. Hell, He Could Easily Have a Productive Chat with Sarah Elkhaldy. He Plays a “Mike Pence-Like” Matrix Role to His Audience!