Elon Musk | "Neuralink Enables a Full Recording of Memories & All of Your Feelings & Everything. Everything You've Ever Felt. It's All Electrical Signals. You Could Record Everything." - Elon Musk (8/4/2022) | Rev 16:12-14
Elon Musk | "With a Neuralink You Can Operate A Phone Even Faster Than Someone w/ Working Thumbs. You Can Enable People to Walk Again. We Are Getting Jesus Level Stuff. Jesus Level!" - Elon Musk (8/4/2022) | Rev 16:12-14
George Soros | "AI Is Particularly Good At Producing Instruments of Control That Help Repressive Regimes And Endanger Repressive Societies. COVID-19 Also Helped Legitimize Instruments of Control." (May 24th 2022 | World Economic Forum)
First Republic Bank | "Shares of First Republic Bank Plunged to Another Record Low On Monday." - Reuters (April 27th 2023) | The 14th-Largest Commercial Bank In the U.S. At the End of 2022, First Republic Hangs in Balance as Shares Plummet Again
NOTIZIE DAL MONDO Bruxelles si tinge di blu e giallo mentre la guerra in Ucraina raggiunge i 1.000 giorni.Il 19 novembre 2024 ricorre il millesimo giorno dall'invasione dell'Ucraina da parte della Russia del 24 febbraio 2022.
First Republic Bank | "First Republic Bank Which Drops About 50% Yesterday, Dropped About 20% Today." - Bloomberg (April 26th 2023) | First Republic was the 14th-largest commercial bank in the U.S. at the end of 2022, according to the Fed,
Cordie Williams | “The Conversation In 2022 It Transcends Race, It Transcends Gender, Who You Went To Bed With Last Night, Trump, Biden, Red Or Blue And It Rolls Into Humanity.” - Cordie Williams
FACT: First Republic was the 14th-largest commercial bank in the U.S. at the end of 2022, according to the Fed, while Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank were the 16th and 19th-biggest, respectively:
ZELENSKY E LE SUE COMICHE DICHIARAZIONI SUL GOVERNO REGOLARMENTE ELETTO DELLA GEORGIA cose dette da uno che governa l'Ucraina a mandato scaduto per la legge marziale e che mette al bando i partiti nel suo Paese
Silicon Valley Bank | "I Want People to Go Read Executive Order #14067, Signed By Joe Biden the 8th of March 2022. It Will Into Effect 13th of December 2022. There Are Elements That Are Testing Central Bank Digital Currency." - General Flynn
NOTIZIE DAL MONDO Blinken chiede all'Ucraina secondo Reuters di iniziare ad arruolare 18enni invece di 25enni citando la necessità di avere sempre più uomini da mandare a morire in prima linea contro l'esercito della Russia.
Election Fraud | Why Was the Same Stack of Ballots Scanned Multiple Times? (This Footage Was Tweeted Out By President Donald J. Trump On December 22nd 2022)
Artificial Intelligence | "Because I Live In Israel There Is No Way That I Am Going to Forget the Enormous Power That Religion & Have On History. (The Ones Who Are Owning the Data Are) The New Priests, the New Kings, the New Gods." - Harari
Artificial Intelligence | "Think About the Ideological Movement Which Was the Worst In History And Think What Would They Do With the Technology That I'm Developing Right Now?" "We Now Have Autonomous Weapons & Killer Robots."
Artificial Intelligence | "You Can Connect Several Brains Together. For Things Like Identity, Who Am I When I Can Access the Brain of Another Person?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "We Will Connect Wirelessly Our Neocortex to the Cloud." - Ra
Artificial Intelligence | "There Is an Expert from The Machine Intelligence Research Institute Who States Says That If There Is Not An Indefinite Pause On AI Development Literally Everyone On Earth Will Die." Peter Doocy (Fox News)