15 days agoZelenský varuje, že americká armáda v Evropě bude válčit s Rusy a Američané budou umírat!AENews
1 year agoPlukovník Douglas McGregor prohlásil, že ukrajinská armáda se zhroutila a Zelenský spustí teror!AENews
3 years agoNew Video of Ma'Khia Bryant Shooting Shows Just How Dangerous the Situation WasDinesh D'SouzaVerified
18 hours agoTried to Scratch the Car… Got Instant Car-ma Instead! With Non Essential CommentarySteveinman
1 year agoVladimir Putin na setkání s blogery naznačil, že Ruská armáda se na hranicích Novoruska nezastaví!AENews
1 hour ago🚗💥 What's up with that tire, officer? Join us for some wild times in Arma Reforger 2025!SmashyMonkey
1 year agoUkrajinská televize oznámila, že armáda eviduje přes 1 milion mrtvých a nezvěstných vojáků!AENews
3 years agoHere's What the REAL Victim in the Ma'Khia Bryant Situation Had to SayDinesh D'SouzaVerified
3 years agoNeighbor's Surveillance Footage Shows New Angle of Ma'Khia Bryant ShootingThe Charlie Kirk ShowVerified
3 years agoCop Has SAVAGE Response When Man Asks "Y'all Gonna Kill Me Like Ma'Khia Bryant?"Dinesh D'SouzaVerified
3 years agoCop Completely Owns Man Trying to Heckle Him Over Ma'Khia BryantThe Charlie Kirk ShowVerified
3 years agoBodycam - Cop Shoots Black Girl Attempting To Stab Two Others - Black Lives Matter Mad At Police Officer!Mark DiceVerified