1. TRUTH REVEALED! AMC CEO Adam Aron Gets Asked if he ACTUALLY Likes AMC Apes...

    TRUTH REVEALED! AMC CEO Adam Aron Gets Asked if he ACTUALLY Likes AMC Apes...

  2. Did Adam Aron drop $350M AMC shares to be malicious because we voted against pay increase? AMC MOASS

    Did Adam Aron drop $350M AMC shares to be malicious because we voted against pay increase? AMC MOASS

  3. Ken Griffin and Citadel Controls AMC Adam Aron and AMC Board Dumb Money not playing at AMC theaters

    Ken Griffin and Citadel Controls AMC Adam Aron and AMC Board Dumb Money not playing at AMC theaters

  4. Project Popcorn Proves to me that AMC Adam Aron was conspiring with Citigroup to rob investors

    Project Popcorn Proves to me that AMC Adam Aron was conspiring with Citigroup to rob investors

  5. Does Adam Aron and the AMC board unvested shares reverse split 10-1 also? Adam Aron has no answer

    Does Adam Aron and the AMC board unvested shares reverse split 10-1 also? Adam Aron has no answer

  6. AMC goes up Adam Aron puts out negative news to push price down Now we are down he is silent Why?

    AMC goes up Adam Aron puts out negative news to push price down Now we are down he is silent Why?

  7. Is Adam Aron job to put out negative news every time AMC has a positive catalyst? It appears so

    Is Adam Aron job to put out negative news every time AMC has a positive catalyst? It appears so

  8. Adam Aron says settling for $100M was right I say he settled because he knows APE was wrong

    Adam Aron says settling for $100M was right I say he settled because he knows APE was wrong

  9. Adam Aron When will price of APE be added to price of AMC? You took value of AMC creating APE

    Adam Aron When will price of APE be added to price of AMC? You took value of AMC creating APE

  10. MULN CEO going on Charles Payne Thursday at 2pm to discuss naked shorting Imagine if Adam Aron went

    MULN CEO going on Charles Payne Thursday at 2pm to discuss naked shorting Imagine if Adam Aron went

  11. AMC is trading less than when the movies were closed Do you YES voters still support Adam Aron?

    AMC is trading less than when the movies were closed Do you YES voters still support Adam Aron?

  12. Evidence suggests Adam Aron sold millions of AMC APE shares in 2021 Was this criminal activity?

    Evidence suggests Adam Aron sold millions of AMC APE shares in 2021 Was this criminal activity?

  13. Did Adam Aron lie to the courts? He claimed urgency and risk of bankruptcy but has done nothing

    Did Adam Aron lie to the courts? He claimed urgency and risk of bankruptcy but has done nothing

  14. It seems AMC Adam Aron bad decisions are not just limited to AMC He sent compromising pictures?

    It seems AMC Adam Aron bad decisions are not just limited to AMC He sent compromising pictures?

  15. Was Adam Aron forced to do AMC reverse split against his will? Should he get Witness protection?

    Was Adam Aron forced to do AMC reverse split against his will? Should he get Witness protection?

  16. Does Adam Aron FINRA & SEC have evidence of fraud in AMC? Yes Will they use it to help retail? NO

    Does Adam Aron FINRA & SEC have evidence of fraud in AMC? Yes Will they use it to help retail? NO

  17. Was AMC Allegheny lawsuit initiated to protect Adam Aron from future litigation for APE and Antara?

    Was AMC Allegheny lawsuit initiated to protect Adam Aron from future litigation for APE and Antara?

  18. Adam Aron said AMC and APE would meet in middle at $1.50 combine to $3 for a $30 reverse split

    Adam Aron said AMC and APE would meet in middle at $1.50 combine to $3 for a $30 reverse split

  19. Did Yes voter Kevin Barnes file the AMC lawsuit with support of Adam Aron and Antara? AMC MOASS

    Did Yes voter Kevin Barnes file the AMC lawsuit with support of Adam Aron and Antara? AMC MOASS
