2 years agoPentagon was building multiple Bioweapon Labs and CIA was Training Ukraine SoldiersMyCatholicRedPill
2 years agoAnd We Know - Ukraine, Labs, WHO, Sovereignty, their Evil plans continue to unfold - PrayAnd We Know - Russia & Ukraine
2 years agoGeorge Webb Has Been Investigating U.S. Bio-Weapon Labs in Ukraine for 5 YearsTheWarAgainstYou
2 years ago2023/023 Des Bios Labs en Ukraine ont bien été financés par les États-Unis et par la famille Biden.laileastick
13 days ago“Ukraine is a hub for Child Trafficking, Money Laundering and Biological Labs because V...Hot_Topic
1 year agoRussians Discover Dissected Child Corpses Basement Labs in UkraineNow Trending w/ Wall Street ApesVerified
2 years agoNuland Admits Ukraine Houses US FUNDED Bio Labs, Fears Russia Could Capture ThemRussiaInsight
2 years agoAnd We Know - Pentagon admits on June 10th 2022 that there are 46 bio-labs in the UkraineAnd We Know - Russia & Ukraine
2 years agoSenator Obama in Ukraine Biolab in 2005 with Anthrax Captured from Saddam HuseinTheWarAgainstYou