HERE WE GO AGAIN! How will the Light handle this? With an EBS/EAS, or ironically with People of Light having to get Really Dark (Shadow Work—so be it). Now is the time! Two timelines will never be quite the same again.
What is the Highest Income Tax Any American Should Have to Pay?—If We Held Legitimate Elections and Lived in Integrity Reflecting 5D This Would Have Been Your Ego-Checked President, But We're Not Done w/ Our Own Ego So the Best Reflection is Trump!
THIS VIDEO SHOULD NEVER DISAPPEAR FROM OR BE LOST ON THE INTERNET — Brief Report on The Elite's Family Tree from Conventional (AKA: Not “Conspiracy Theory”) Mainstream Media! [Circa 2003]
Addressing Asleep-As-Anybody-Else Trump Supporters, Particularly of the Christian Slant, and Creating New Diverse Actually-Informative Expos/Conventions/Tours.
Entrepreneur on Personality-Balance: You Must be as Humble as You are Badass/You Must be as Badass as You are Humble—BUT YOU BETTER BE BOTH + Successful People Don’t Typically Judge, Leaving All Options to Further Success Open and Available!