1. Presser for #josephborgen Joseph Borgen Hosted by Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman 1/19/2023

    Presser for #josephborgen Joseph Borgen Hosted by Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman 1/19/2023

  2. The Reject the Jew Hatred at the United Nations Rally hosted by #EndJewHatredAtTheUN #endjewhatred

    The Reject the Jew Hatred at the United Nations Rally hosted by #EndJewHatredAtTheUN #endjewhatred

  3. The Reject the Jew Hatred at the United Nations Rally hosted by #EndJewHatredAtTheUN #endjewhatred

    The Reject the Jew Hatred at the United Nations Rally hosted by #EndJewHatredAtTheUN #endjewhatred

  4. Press Conference for #josephborgen outside @ManhattanDA 1/26/23 @EndJewHatred #endjewhatred

    Press Conference for #josephborgen outside @ManhattanDA 1/26/23 @EndJewHatred #endjewhatred

  5. The Demand Justice for Blake Zavadsky Rally 120 Schermerorn Street bk NY 1/18/23 #endjewhatred

    The Demand Justice for Blake Zavadsky Rally 120 Schermerorn Street bk NY 1/18/23 #endjewhatred

  6. The Demand Justice for Blake Zavadsky Rally 120 Schermerorn Street bk NY 1/18/23 #endjewhatred

    The Demand Justice for Blake Zavadsky Rally 120 Schermerorn Street bk NY 1/18/23 #endjewhatred

  7. Press Conference for #josephborgen outside @ManhattanDA 1/26/23 @EndJewHatred #endjewhatred

    Press Conference for #josephborgen outside @ManhattanDA 1/26/23 @EndJewHatred #endjewhatred

  8. Presser for #josephborgen Joseph Borgen Hosted by Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman 1/19/2023

    Presser for #josephborgen Joseph Borgen Hosted by Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman 1/19/2023

  9. Presser for #josephborgen Joseph Borgen Hosted by Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman 1/19/2023

    Presser for #josephborgen Joseph Borgen Hosted by Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman 1/19/2023

  10. Presser for #josephborgen Joseph Borgen Hosted by Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman 1/19/2023

    Presser for #josephborgen Joseph Borgen Hosted by Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman 1/19/2023

  11. Watch a clip of Episode 166 of my Podcast, ‘THINK BIG with Michael Zellner,’

    Watch a clip of Episode 166 of my Podcast, ‘THINK BIG with Michael Zellner,’
