10 months agoRe-upload: David Wilkerson's Shocking Message fulfilled, a sheep to sheep Dividing Sword. In Lev. 37:32 only every 10th Sheep, a red painted mark. YAHUSHUA Said Few Enter the Narrow GateYAHUSHUASCOMING8
1 year agoDavid Wilkerson and the Latter Rain Outpouring of God's Holy Spirit!Tree of Life Fellowship
11 months agoAMIGHTYWIND w1.13 Power in the BLOOD, NAME of YAHUSHUA/JESUS with clip David Wilkerson's (in Heaven loved by Mom Rm) potent message playedYAHUSHUASCOMING8
2 years agoEndtime Revival In History: 21 Great Days of Revival Meetings | Official Trailer | Sterry KsEvangelist Sterry Ks