1. BlackRock - The company that owns the world?!

    BlackRock - The company that owns the world?!

  2. ETFS Exposed Blackrocks Dominance. #bitcoin #blackrock #etfs

    ETFS Exposed Blackrocks Dominance. #bitcoin #blackrock #etfs

  3. World most influential financial company

    World most influential financial company

  4. RFK on the Rothschild IMF Ukraine Money Laundering Scheme - What RFK DOES NOT Call Out, is that the ENTIRE PURPOSE of Rothschild UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION has ALWAYS ONLY been, to be the GLOBALIST WAR MACHINE FOR FULL SPECTRUM WORLD DOMINANCE

    RFK on the Rothschild IMF Ukraine Money Laundering Scheme - What RFK DOES NOT Call Out, is that the ENTIRE PURPOSE of Rothschild UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION has ALWAYS ONLY been, to be the GLOBALIST WAR MACHINE FOR FULL SPECTRUM WORLD DOMINANCE
