Julie Green, General Flynn & Tom Renz | De-Dollarization | Is De-Dollarization Happening Now? Are Global Digital Health Passports & Central Bank Digital Currencies Around the Corner? Is Expiring Money Near? “It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn
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Steve Cioccolanti | 5 Things That the TRUMP Administration Must Do to Stop The Great Reset NOW + Clay Clark Spots the FALSE Prophet, Kim Clement's Prophecy of RFK Jr. + 977 Tickets Remain for Selma, NC ReAwaken (Oct 18-19)
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Yuval Noah Harari | "You Cannot Start With the Assumption That Humans Have Free Will." + "It Was Never True Humans Had Free Will." + "The Myth of Free Will. This Is a Myth That Served Us Well. But Now It's Becoming Dangerous.
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Donald J. Trump | "I Believe In God, I Believe In the Bible. I'm a Christian. Our Country Needs a Savior Right Now & Our Country Has a Savior. That's Not Me. The Life & Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ Forever Changed the Wo
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Matthew 24 | Is Matthew Chapter 24, Mark Chapter 13, Luke Chapter 21 & Revelation Chapter 16: 12-14 Happening Now? Pastor Barry Stagner Teaches the Olivet Discourse (How Jesus Said This Age Would End)
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