12 June 2023 AM Show - Live with Dan Schultz of Precinct Strategy: Take Over Our Party, Take Back America - I-95 Collapse, MIL Coup, Nation Under Attack
#145 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Mike Lindell Shreds Matt Braynard Of Look Away America For His Support Of Ballot Harvesting - The WORST Strategy Ever - YOU CAN'T BEAT THE CORRUPT & FRAUDULENT UNCONSTITUTIONAL ELECTION SYSTEM!
#81 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: How Kari Lake Can Easily WIN Her Case - The ONLY Winning Strategy To Set-Aside The Nov 8th Election - GAME OVER! - MICHELE SWINICK & ANN VANDERSTEEL
#143 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: How To Take Back Our Freedoms, States, Country & Unconstitutional Elections! The ONLY Winning Strategy - JOIN US - It Takes Less Than 2 Minutes | MICHELE SWINICK
PETE SANTILLI - There's 179 Days Until Our Republic Is Officially DEAD & We The People Hold All The Power To Stop The Destruction! We Must BAN THE VOTING MACHINES Before The 1st Primary March 5th!
#80 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Why DOESN'T Kari Lake Want To WIN Her Case? She Needs To File A Rule 59a By Mon 6/5 & Appeal On Valenzuela's Testimony...GAME OVER! MICHELE SWINICK & ANN VANDERSTEEL
LEWIS HERMS: "CAGES" PART 2 - Arizona Is A Cesspool Of Child Sex Slave Trafficking, Corruption, Money Laundering, Election Fraud, Evil CPS, Politician POSes & Demonic Symbols