The 5 Point Plan To Take Back America & More Devil State of Arizona Updates - It's Time To Hold Them ALL Accountable...They Work For US & Have DESTROYED Our Country! | RAY MICHAELS
Our Elections Are Unconstitutional & Fraudulent - It's Time To BAN THE VOTING MACHINES NOW! JOIN US In Arizona To Hold Our LegislaTURDS Accountable! AND Investigate The Corruption In Our Cesspool Of A State Presented At The 2/23 Joint Meeting
Representative Liz Harris - More EXPOSING, Updates, Board of Supervisors, BREAKING NEWS + We The People Holding Our LegislaTURDS Accountable Is WORKING - Motivation To Get On The Battlefield With GOD! JOIN US!
Our Elections Are Unconstitutional & Fraudulent - It's Time To BAN THE VOTING MACHINES NOW! JOIN US In Arizona To Hold Our LegislaTURDS Accountable! AND Investigate The Corruption & ELECTION FRAUD In Our Cesspool Of A State! NOVEMBER 8th
All Arizona LegislaTURDS, AdministraTURDS & Government Officials Receive Subpoenas To Provide Their OATHS + Starting A Citizen Grand Jury In Cochise County To Expose The Election Fraud On Nov 8th & Hold The Demons Accountable | MICHELE SWINICK
All Arizona LegislaTURDS, AdministraTURDS & Government Officials Receive Subpoenas To Provide Their OATHS + Starting A Citizen Grand Jury In Cochise County To Expose The Election Fraud On Nov 8th & Hold The Demons Accountable | MICHELE SWINICK