Taylor Swift | What Is the Connection Between “All-Seeing” Eye, Dionysus the god of Theater, Transgenderism, the Eye of Horus, Sirius, Target, Taylor Swift, Ice Spice, the Daytons, the Rockefellers & the Illuminati?
Trump Vs. Big Pharma? | Kennedy & Trump Teaming Up? Alex Jones Reporting “Sources Inside RFK Jr. Campaign Confirm He Will Drop Out Friday & Endorse Trump” - 8/21/24 + “Trump Is the Best Possible Answer.”
The Remnant Church | 12.01.22 | They're Not Attacking America, They're Attacking CHRIST!!! Ezekial 37:3 "3 And He Said Unto Me, Son of Man, Can These Bones Live? And I Answered, O Lord God, Thou Knowest." + The Connection Between CERN,
Kash Patel | Trump Senior Advisor Kash Patel Candidly Answers 3 TOUGH Questions: SHOULD WE TRUST "THE PLAN?" ARE WHITE HATS SECRETLY IN CONTROL? IS DEVOLUTION REAL? Interview by Pastor Todd Coconato
Dr. Stella Immanuel | A New Year's Message of HOPE + The Connection Between 5G, Luciferase, MIT, Quantum Dots, CBDCs, Epstein, Gates & Great Reset | “Don’t Be Scared, But Be Prepared.” - Dr. Stella Immanuel
Dr. Judy Mikovits | What Is the Connection Between Dr. Anthony Fauci, the 1993 Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis, Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests, COVID, the COVID-19 Vaccines, mRNA Technology & the Great Reset?
CBDCs | Central Bank Digital Currencies | "You End Up Living What Feels Like a Black Mirror Episode." - Maajid Nawaz (Political Activist / Radio Presenter)
Dr. Stella | Why Peter Thiel Thiel's Venture Capital Firm, Lead Neuralink Investment? "Long-Term Goal Is to Mitigate the Risk of A.I. By Having a Closer Symbiosis Between Human Intelligence & Digital Intelligence." - Elon Musk
Dr. Judy Mikovits | 16 Reasons to Be Excited About Republican Vice Presidential Nominee, J.D. Vance?! What Is the Connection Between Elon Musk, Peter Thiel & J.D. Vance?
General Flynn | A Message for America: Biden, CBDCs & the Patriots Trying to Save the U.S. + Why Did Obama, Biden, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Rice, Yates Meet Jan. 5th 2017 In the Oval Office? What's the Relationship Between Biden & China?
Super Bowl | Super Bowl or Super BAAL? Did You Know That 11 of the 12 Apostles Died Terrible Deaths? Why Is Musk Pushing a Carbon Tax? + Why Is Satan Being Celebrated? What Is the Connection Between Musk, Harari, Schwab & China?