1. On the Monks and Nuns of Amidaji Branch of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism (audio book)

    On the Monks and Nuns of Amidaji Branch of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism (audio book)

  2. On the authenticity of the Larger Sutra and the existence of Amida Buddha and His Pure Land

    On the authenticity of the Larger Sutra and the existence of Amida Buddha and His Pure Land

  3. On those without faith and Buddha’s teaching to do good in daily life & wish to be born in Sukhavati

    On those without faith and Buddha’s teaching to do good in daily life & wish to be born in Sukhavati

  4. On the apparition and the destruction of samsaric universes

    On the apparition and the destruction of samsaric universes

  5. On the 17th Vow Amida Buddha - all Buddhas praise His Name and encourage us to say it in faith

    On the 17th Vow Amida Buddha - all Buddhas praise His Name and encourage us to say it in faith

  6. On the 19th and 20th Vows of Amida Buddha and birth in the borderland of the Pure Land

    On the 19th and 20th Vows of Amida Buddha and birth in the borderland of the Pure Land

  7. Non-discrimination of women on the basis of the 35th Vow of Amida Buddha

    Non-discrimination of women on the basis of the 35th Vow of Amida Buddha

  8. On the Nirvanic features of the inhabitants of the Pure Land which cannot be found "here and now"

    On the Nirvanic features of the inhabitants of the Pure Land which cannot be found "here and now"

  9. The five conditions necessary for birth in the Pure Land of Amida Buddha, according to Rennyo Shonin

    The five conditions necessary for birth in the Pure Land of Amida Buddha, according to Rennyo Shonin

  10. On fake Buddhist teachers who state that its ok to mix Buddhism with monotheistic religions

    On fake Buddhist teachers who state that its ok to mix Buddhism with monotheistic religions

  11. Jodo Shinshu Buddhists should NOT believe in the god of monotheistic religions

    Jodo Shinshu Buddhists should NOT believe in the god of monotheistic religions

  12. Faith in Amida Buddha is the Path to Enlightenment (discovery of Buddha nature) in the Pure Land

    Faith in Amida Buddha is the Path to Enlightenment (discovery of Buddha nature) in the Pure Land

  13. Don't mix Jodo Shinshu with the teachings of Ippen, Zen koans or Masters from other Dharma Gates

    Don't mix Jodo Shinshu with the teachings of Ippen, Zen koans or Masters from other Dharma Gates

  14. Some questions and answers on how to help spirits entrust to Amida Buddha

    Some questions and answers on how to help spirits entrust to Amida Buddha

  15. Monks and Nuns of the Last Dharma Age (the doctrinal base for Amidaji ordinations)

    Monks and Nuns of the Last Dharma Age (the doctrinal base for Amidaji ordinations)

  16. Why Amidaji – the testimony of a member who re-enters our Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Sangha

    Why Amidaji – the testimony of a member who re-enters our Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Sangha

  17. Nembutsu recitation by Daigan Alejandro Macia, member of Amidaji from Uruguay

    Nembutsu recitation by Daigan Alejandro Macia, member of Amidaji from Uruguay

  18. The difference between personal power (jiriki) and the Power of Amida Buddha (Tariki)

    The difference between personal power (jiriki) and the Power of Amida Buddha (Tariki)

  19. On the impermanence of our bodies and of our so-called spiritual realizations

    On the impermanence of our bodies and of our so-called spiritual realizations

  20. Commentary on the Larger Sutra. Enlightened Bodhisattvas of the Pure Land (sections 28 and 30)

    Commentary on the Larger Sutra. Enlightened Bodhisattvas of the Pure Land (sections 28 and 30)
