PRESIDENT TRUMP WON ARIZONA IN 2020! There Were 58,550 ILLEGAL Ballots Cast In Maricopa County & Election Needs To Be SET ASIDE / NULL & VOID. MOST candidates Illegitimately In Office Now! EVIDENCE = Official Canvass Report
The Establishment GOP Is Hunting America First Elected Officials. Plus How To Take Your GOP Over & Truly Make America Great! | I'm Fired Up With Chad Caton
#300 Maricopa County NOV 8 Election Fraud & Maladministration MARATHON! 5 Hours Of Evidence…EXPOSING The County’s Official Election Returns, Records & Documents! The ONLY Way To Win NOV 5 Is To SET ASIDE NOV 8…Kari & Abe Can Do It NOW!
#314 Maricopa County ADMITS 10.79% Of Tabulator Memory Cards (Official Election Results) Were NEVER Delivered To Receiving Centers On Election Night Nov 8, 2022. What Totals Were Used To Decide Winners If 48 Cards Were MISSING? | SG ANON - PART 2