how many "truther" "Good Dr's" have figured out yet that the Jabbed people are the 6G nano-network that they are building! 6G Infastructure All Jabbed people have nano-devices inside them and are now walking 6G antennas 📡
5G NETWORK TO WIRELESSLY POWER DEVICES. GUESS WHAT IT CAN DO TO NANOTECH (DARPA-FINANCED) - The brain is a battlefield populated by nanobots – DARPA’s Dr. James Giordano (2018)
National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) - Nanotechnology - Nanosensors - nanoscale network - Molecular nanotechnology - Intrabody Molecular Communication - The Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) 6G
Dr. Bige Deniz Unluturk - 10/06/2023 - Molecular Communication Platforms at Multiple Scales "Thanks to synthetic biology, we can engineer living cells as biosensor devices and thanks to MEMS &nanotechnology"