Hurricane Milton | "Milton Is Now a Hurricane." - Florida Governor Ron DeSantis + What Is HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)? What Is Weather Modification? + EXCLUSIVE Interview with Dane Wigington
Lt. Mark Robinson Is the Leading Conservative Candidate Running for Governor of North Carolina | "They Call Us the Right. We Sit On the Right. We Are Right. We Are Right About Every Single Issue." - Mark Robinson (June 21st 2024)
San Francisco | Why Did the Communist President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping Motorcade Through San Francisco, CA w/ No American Flags In Sight? Why Did California Governor Newsom Clean Up San Francisco? Wake Up! The Shift Is Happening
The Great Reset | Is The Great Reset Now Coming for Our Guns, Gold & Our Basic American Freedoms? Why Did the New Mexico Governor Suspend Gun Rights? Why Did 3 Separate Coin Shops Have Their Bank Accounts Shut Down? Daniel 12:11
Intel Agencies Caught in Massive Voter Fraud not only in USA But Also Around the World. In USA they cheated 48 House Democrats and 12 Democrat Senators into office in 2024 - Dr Corsi
The Kuhner Report 09/16/2022 [FULL SHOW] Leftist hypocrites going crazy over decision of FL Governor Ron DeSantis to send illegals to Martha's Vineyard