When Will Kingston, Mihalcea and Ruby discover the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and Molecular Communication for 6G IoBnT? In the meantime listen to people with direct experience! Molecular Communications: Fundamentals, Testbed, Research Directions IEEE
The Convergence Of Engineering, nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology And Cognitive Science the Creative Union Of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering And Peoples, Human Augmentation Bioconvergence
Electromagnetic Nanonetworks Beyond 6G: From Wearable and Implantable Networks to On-chip and Quantum Communication - Ian F. AKYILDIZ 2024 Horizon Europe program through the European Research Council (ERC)
The Great Reset Agenda | Transhumanism | A DEEPER Look Inside Biden’s Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing | “We Need to Develop Genetic Engineering Technologies and Techniques to Be Able to Write Circuitry for Cells”
Michael Yeadon - Former VP & Chief Scientist of allergy & respiratory research division at Pfizer - Talks About His Experience w Pharma - COVID Kill-Shots
Dr. David Martin At The European Parliament (2023) Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked. Science was hijacked.