1 year agoThe unbiblical "Trinity", New Age & NASA are the same satans religion sun-worship - Follow this channel for more videosThe World Is A Lie Sweden
1 year agoNew age, NASA & the unbiblical "Trinity" are the same of satan religion sunworshipThe World Is A Lie Sweden
1 year agoThe Elite is hiding land, Admiral Byrd, 1000years old map,Antarctica, Ice Wall, Firmament,Flat EarthFlat Earth Truth
10 months agoThis world is a lie and a trial for either eternal life or eternal deathThe World Is A Lie Sweden
1 year agoBoth the Churches and "jehovas vitnesses" are teaching a false unbiblical "jesus" as LogosThe World Is A Lie Sweden
1 year agoTotal breakdown of Satans World War 3 - The CGI-War, Crisis actors & Nuke-hoax & the unbiblical "Trinity"The World Is A Lie Sweden
1 year agoOur true Biblical cosmology - New age, NASA & the unbiblical "Trinity" are the same of satan religion sunworshipThe World Is A Lie Sweden
9 months agoFIRST TIME EVER! Flat Earth debate ALEX JONES vs Eddie Bravo & David Weiss - 31/5-2024The World Is A Lie Sweden
1 year agoThe Churches/Churchianity & "jehovas witnesses" are teaching same unbiblical gnostic false "jesus"The World Is A Lie Sweden
1 year ago31hours of documentaries - Total breakdown of satans religion sunworship unbiblical Trinity, NASA & New AgeThe World Is A Lie Sweden
11 months agoThis world temporary run på satan is a lie & is a trial for either eternal life or eternal deathThe World Is A Lie Sweden
1 year agoNew age, NASA & the unbiblical "Trinity" are the same of satan religion sunworshipThe World Is A Lie Sweden
9 months agoThe Greatest Protest in the Universe, and God’s Masterful Handling of ItSomethingsHappeningHere
1 year agoThe catching away ("ZAPture") of the Revelation 12 "man child"Singing Springs Ministries~Bringing Solid Food!
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3 years agoHow the 1000 years of Revelation 20 was fulfilled in a Short Time Pt3The New Kosmos VideoCast
3 years agoHow the 1000 years of Revelation 20 was fulfilled in a Short Time Pt4The New Kosmos VideoCast