Self-Driving Cars | Why Are You Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab & Elon Musk In Agreement About Self-Driving Cars? "The Mayor of Los Angeles Who Told Me In 2030, Los Angeles Will Be Private Car Driven Free." - Klaus Schwab
Larry Ellison | Are Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, Klaus Schwab, Jennifer Doudna, Ray Kurzweil, & Bill Gates On the Same Page About mRNA Vaccines & AI? "Humans Are Now Hackable Animals." - Harari (10/29/2020)
HISTORIC DAY 5 for President DJT's As He Takes His War Against The Illuminati Death Cult To The Next Level! + Elon Musk Warns Earth That Globalism Is “Civilizational Suicide” And Rightly Spotlights OpenAI’s Sam Altman As A Deep State Operative!