1. Focus On Israel At Olympics | France Probes Football Game, "Death Threats" To Athletes, Arrests Teen

    Focus On Israel At Olympics | France Probes Football Game, "Death Threats" To Athletes, Arrests Teen

  2. Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe | N-Now ✅

    Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe | N-Now ✅

  3. Why Kamala Harris Shouldn’t Solely Focus On The Historical Nature Of Her Campaign: Top Strategist

    Why Kamala Harris Shouldn’t Solely Focus On The Historical Nature Of Her Campaign: Top Strategist

  4. Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe | VYPER ✅

    Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe | VYPER ✅

  5. Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe| CN ✅

    Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe| CN ✅

  6. Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe|News Empire ✅

    Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe|News Empire ✅

  7. Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe| RN ✅

    Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe| RN ✅

  8. Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe | U.S. NEWS ✅

    Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe | U.S. NEWS ✅

  9. Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe | A-Dream ✅

    Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe | A-Dream ✅

  10. 20190729文贵先生直播:全世界银行中的中国人的钱,属于人民的不超5%,90%以上是 #中共盗国贼 存款。中共控制14亿奴隶,养着一群吃人尸丸的盗国贼!

    20190729文贵先生直播:全世界银行中的中国人的钱,属于人民的不超5%,90%以上是 #中共盗国贼 存款。中共控制14亿奴隶,养着一群吃人尸丸的盗国贼!

  11. 20220729文贵先生直播: #以美灭共:此时此刻飞机已经起飞,从今天29号到下周周末事都大的很。武当山和峨眉山之间相差是11天

    20220729文贵先生直播: #以美灭共:此时此刻飞机已经起飞,从今天29号到下周周末事都大的很。武当山和峨眉山之间相差是11天

  12. 20190729文贵先生直播:国民党当年侥幸和无知,被赶到台湾,多少 #台湾人 还存有侥幸心理? #毛泽东 接受采访:能不能打败蒋介石?当然能打败!1. #狠到无情;2. #无德到无耻!

    20190729文贵先生直播:国民党当年侥幸和无知,被赶到台湾,多少 #台湾人 还存有侥幸心理? #毛泽东 接受采访:能不能打败蒋介石?当然能打败!1. #狠到无情;2. #无德到无耻!

  13. 20220729文贵先生直播: #好日子属于新中国联邦:走着看,好事在后面,不管听到什么好消息,一切都是刚刚刚刚刚开始。

    20220729文贵先生直播: #好日子属于新中国联邦:走着看,好事在后面,不管听到什么好消息,一切都是刚刚刚刚刚开始。

  14. Unbelievable Experience: Former Muslim's Vision of Jesus & Mary! You Can't Miss This! | Sam Shamoun

    Unbelievable Experience: Former Muslim's Vision of Jesus & Mary! You Can't Miss This! | Sam Shamoun

  15. Kamala Harris campaign focuses in on battleground states as Governors Shapiro and Whitmer host rally

    Kamala Harris campaign focuses in on battleground states as Governors Shapiro and Whitmer host rally

  16. 20190729文贵先生直播:共产党 研究 #对付人民武器 世界第一!

    20190729文贵先生直播:共产党 研究 #对付人民武器 世界第一!

  17. 20210729文贵先生直播:中国人有钱了,有品味吗,有耐心吗? #急功近利 一定要改。任何一个有耐心的人,跟共产党磕下去,共产党早就死球子了。

    20210729文贵先生直播:中国人有钱了,有品味吗,有耐心吗? #急功近利 一定要改。任何一个有耐心的人,跟共产党磕下去,共产党早就死球子了。

  18. Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe| TN ✅

    Italy's Rimini beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards | Focus on Europe| TN ✅