1. Mitt under promenaden såg jag våldsdådet i Stadsparken. Helsingborg 15 Okt. 2018

    Mitt under promenaden såg jag våldsdådet i Stadsparken. Helsingborg 15 Okt. 2018

  2. Anneke Lucas tells PBD that she was trained as a sex slave & spy for David Rockefeller. She was trafficked to Pierre Elliot Trudeau at the age of 10 years old.

    Anneke Lucas tells PBD that she was trained as a sex slave & spy for David Rockefeller. She was trafficked to Pierre Elliot Trudeau at the age of 10 years old.

  3. Killing The Deep State: The Fight To Save President Trump

    Killing The Deep State: The Fight To Save President Trump
